Yep. It’s gonna be deep dark chocolate dirt all this
Yep. It’s gonna be deep dark chocolate dirt all this week. Probably the week after that too!
Yep. It’s gonna be deep dark chocolate dirt all this week. Probably the week after that too!
Flow update! We’ve been hitting some steep sideslopes, wrestling gigantic lantana and collecting rocks. All part of the due process of making some awesome! And now we have some lovely rain here in norther NSW to settle it all down! … Continued
Been making squiggly lines in the dirt all week! Easily our best trail yet! Sensational unrestrained flow top to bottom. Big lines and fun times!
Reckon we might need a B-Line! Yeah that’s the ticket! Fun for everyone! Thanks to @kyoglemountainbikeclub for having us out here! This might just be the best dirt in the universe! Blessed and humbled by this sacred soil!
This flow trail is dedicated to the memory of Malcolm Wallis. A true visionary and pioneer for this region. He is the one that first brought IMBA Australia (and me) to Kyogle to talk about MTB tourism many years ago. … Continued
Got through there ok. Nice dirt! Very nice dirt indeed! traillove Kyogle2020 kyoglemtbpark @ Fairy Mount
About to drop in! Into this massive gully in my digger!!!!!….. Sure why not? Again these photo’s cant really pick up the angles but it’s pucker time! traillove Kyogle2020 kyoglemtbpark @ Fairy Mount
Got acouple of new guys on the team! Welcome James and Blair! Both respectable trail gurus in the home zones! And last nights sunset. traillove kyoglemtbpark @ Fairy Mount
Reflecting on the recent trail work at Melrose at the foot of Mt Remarkable! It all so happened quickly in the end. Now Melrose has some great green trails and family friendly experiences that are immersive and engaging. It was … Continued
New weapons and an old tool (no not me, the inclinometer!) Trail corridor and design underway at the Kyogle MTB Park. “Welcome to the Jungle” The flow is strong with this one! traillove Kyogle2020 kyoglemtbpark @ Fairy Mount