For both the Stage 1 and 2 of this project, Destination Trails was responsible for creating the inclusive, “Easy” (Class 2 – 3 or Green Circle) trails. As per the Destination Trails trail network design, some of these trails were shared use while others were single use, one way trails for bikes only. We took great pride in developing these trails for novice riders and the local community.
We delivered inclusive flow that everyone can enjoy to the doorstep of Adelaide’s southern suburbs.
We are very grateful to have had the opportunity to roll out repairs and upgrades on one of our signature trails "Easy As" at O`Halloran Hill RP (Glenthorne NP).
Thanks @nationalparkssa for having us again!
It has been a blessing to adjust some of our original ideas that did not work and make changes based on modern use. As well as this, it means that this trail can still be rated Green Circle with Blue Square features! Yay!
Should be good today but we may need to close it off again tonight!
#EasyAsTheTrail #radelaideurbanbikepark (could be!)

Last week we were able to provide some bonus services for @nationalparkssa by cleaning out some grade reversals (low points / drains) on GromFlow at O`Halloran Hill / Glenthorne NP. As a result, the trail will be running that bit sweeter today and should perform better during the winter months.
Big thanks to the vollies who have kept this place ticking along since 2017 and before! You folks are a bunch of dead set legends!
#gromflowthetrail #radelaideurbanbikepark

Fun da mental health check!
"Check yerself before yer wreck yerself!"
Bike good @bicyclefix
#radelaideurbanbikepark #traillove

Easy As got some trail loving this week before the rains hit.
Nothing too outlandish, just some maintenance on the surfacing we did last year. Getting it all sweet for the wet season as part of our commitment to quality.
Be nice!
#traillove #radelaideurbanbikepark

Settling in sweet! Spring has Sprung. Get some!

OCD of the OMC.
Checking up on our surfacing and flow adjustments on
Gave it sweep for optimal traction this weekend. Get to it!
We will be monitoring this trail surfacing over summer to see how it copes through the dry times! That will be the real test!

Can`t wait to ride this new trail! Nice one ETS!

The new trail markers are live!
Thanks @nationalparkssa
Notice also a very big acknowledgement to Pete Haarsma with him now having some nice easy trail named after him. Pete was instrumental in advocating for bikes in this public open space and was pretty good at keeping pest plants under control too! May you rest in peace Pete. Thank you for all you have done to make this place so special!
Official opening soon!

Opening soon. Cheeky buggers.
#radelaideurbanbikepark #GlenthorneNationalPark

#EasyAsTheTrail is getting some #traillove !

We`ve (Destination Trails) built our first "white" trail; literally, but it is also a white circle (Very Easy) rated, fully surfaced trail. This limestone aggregate is compatible with local rock on site, strange as that may seem. Ebony and ivory!
Notice some optional trail features too, because we like that sort of thing.
Now that we have had some lovely Autumn rain to help the trail settle into it`s surrounds it`s starting look quite grand. Definitely nice to see the lush green grass growing alongside this brand new trail!
Stay tuned... Official opeining of the Stage 2 Trails at O`Halloran Hill Recreation Park will be happening very soon!

We are also very happy with how the new flow trail at O"Halloran Hill is settling in too! Some rain makes all the difference.
This flow trail is aimed at complete newbies, nippers, dirt grommets, mums, dads, kids and anyone wanting to practice their pump and flow capabilities! 1.3km of flowy fun to put a big smile on ya dial!
So it`s call GromFlow!
It was a tough build through the middle of a long hot summer but when it turns out like this, it`s all been worthwhile! Shout out to Kym and Alex for all the mad shaping!
Stay tuned... Official opeining of the Stage 2 Trails at O`Halloran Hill Recreation Park will be happening very soon!