Destination Trails won a tender process to provide three new flow trails for the Kyogle MTB Club at the Kyogle MTB Park which is located on State Forests NSW land. Working with club representatives, land managers and local indigenous elders, new trail alignments were finalised. To deliver the project, Destination Trails hire a number of locals to help shape the trails.
It`s been a busy few months.
Good to get out in the forest for a bit to help give back to the local trails! Zen raking sessions are good for the soul!

Getting FireFlyer firing again!
Spent the last couple of days opening up these corners and repairing any flood / cow damage on the turns so this trail can fully fun once again.
This is part of our quality control process to make sure we provide long lasting trails for the @kyoglemountainbikeclub ! 😁
Please note the lower part of the trail is still chattery (thanks to the cows) so please help us to bed it back in for the dry season.
#kyoglemtbpark #kyoglemtbforest

The goodness of the forest!
Funny how the tough to build ideas turn out to be the most remarkable components of the trail. This bit is fun, fast and freaky because the side-slope exposure here makes the heart skip a little every time!
#flovidthetrail #traillove #kyogleMTBtrails

Found a couple of nice log jumps in the grass. They were fun before the floods. Thought we had better get them going again. Now we just need it to dry out a little more so we can hit them again! Soon!

Last year drought. This year floods!
But nice and green now!
Thank you earth mother and father sun for the lessons you continue to share with us all!
#traillove #kyoglemtbpark
#earthling #planetearth

Wrapping up with the Black Diamond trail today!
Thanks @kyoglemountainbikeclub it`s been really fun to make these trails with you!
#traillove #kyoglemtbpark

Having a bit of fun with this new black diamond trail. Not much rock about here, but tons upon tons of hardwood. This plantation did not fare well in the drought. Many dead skeletons across the forest, so we are putting the wood to good use. Also rather than burning more fossil fuels to bring in quarried rock we thought it was a good idea to use the materials supplied by circumstances.
By modern standards its not a big drop, but this trail may be called Long Drop, because Bog Roll is just on the other side of the ridge! Maybe,..... or Log Off? 🤔 😀
More details in due course.
#traillove #kyoglemtbpark

You little ripper!
This battery powered chainsaw has been working out really well for us! The best part about it is that for the last 2 months is has been charging up on off grid solar panels. So say hello to our solar powered saw!
Yeah dawg!
#traillove #kyoglemtbpark