It’s not glamourous but we’ve been clearing out every single grade reversal (drain) on the open xc trails at Fox Creek Bike Park this last week. And glad we did too since we’ve had some nice soaking rains. So much soot and organic matter to get out the way, but it’s done!….. Now the trails will be perfect for the Dirty Weekend 24hr!!!
Massive thanks to my new team for doing some long days to get it done. @mtb_telly @c_axford @kieran_obrien15 Props to John Phillips for helping out too.
Big thanks to Bike SA and The Human Projectiles MTB Club for funding these essential maintenance tasks. Big thank you to ForestrySA for letting us back in here to play in the dirt!
Much appreciation to all the vollies who came out on the 11th. Their efforts allowed us to focus on drainage rather than clearing organic matter!
@foxcreekbikepark @bike_sa